Lol, it seems like once again I got fooled by a clone.
So I did a continuity test and found out that the pwm pin number 7 isn't connected to anything. So it'll be easy, I'll just have to solder a wire from it.
Also, while I'm at it, here are some prints I did with the printer during the past months:
Some large molds to pour silicone:
Fairings for my electric motorbike:
And also for fun a giant moai head:
Each of those prints took less than 20 hours. As you can see, the printer works very well, I havent' got any issue with it since I repaired the fried motherboard.
My next print should be much bigger and take around 36 hours, it'll be a really huge mold to make the bike's fairings out of carbon fiber. The mold should make around 3kg of PLA. Got myself a few 5Kg spools fot that job.
But before doing that, I'd like to test and possibly install the closed loop system, in order to make the printer as realiable as possible.