@dc42 Hi,
Ok, I followed all the instruction until it suggest to update the firmware. The FW version I have is 3.1.1.
At STEP 7: To update it I have to connect to the DWC, right ?
In the Installing & updating procedure:
--"Usual procedure
Download firmware zip bundle (named Duet2and3Firmware-3.xxx.zip) , or individual binary files, from https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware...
Connect to DuetWebControl.
In DWC, go to the System page and click the "Upload System Files" button."--
So I have to go back and set the connection, which I did, I guess... I followed step 8, 10, and step 11, does not work for me.
I set a permanent IP address, then connected my board into my switch (not a rooter). I tried to connect via the IP address in a browser, as well as the http://duettest.local/ and... nothing !
Is there a special procedure to connect through a switch instead of directly on the rooter ? I have to find a way because the rooter is very, very far and I had to pass a cable through the entire house and connect all my PC on a switch(as well as the printer).