@larrylf Well, the extra logging didn't help, but after a lot of googling, and some playing around, I got it to work.
In case someone else runs into this issue, here is what I had to do:
(Connect via cable, ssh to the pi)
pi@duet3:~ $ sudo wpa_passphrase
type in your ssid and password. It will generate a long string.
pi@duet3:~ $ sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicate.conf
You will see your password in the clear here:
psk="my password"
delete your your password, and replace with the generated string from above:
(Notice it is not in quotes)
save, and exit
Now, edit /etc/network/interfaces, and add these lines:
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid myssid
wpa-psk 415e02a3e30be000b075c2ea320327300f7ba73f9fb12347247b233e52babcd5
(again - no quotes) Save, and exit.
Reboot (ok, you can probably just resart things, but rebooting works for sure).
I find that the UI on my SBC still shows an icon saying that wifi is not connected, but I can still access DWC from my browser now, over wifi.