@nxt-1 said in Upgrading Duet 3 6HC - voltages:
I am thinking about going from a WiFi to a Mainboard 6HC in the near future and I am looking to understand how I can/need to pass different voltages around.
Here a my voltage/power requirements as they stand now:
32V - 50W:
As I understand I can use a 32V psu on the POWER IN terminals. I only need this voltage to drive the steppers, yet I am not sure for what all the power in voltage is used around the board.
Use 32V VIN. This will be supplied to the stepper drivers, the OUT0..OUT3 ports, and any of the OUT4..OUT9 ports whose jumpers are set to VIN.
24V - 150W:
I need 24V to drive some contactors, my existing ssr, a berd-air and a high power extruder heater. Not clue how to get this connected the Duet.
Your SSR control terminals are probably OK with anything from 3 to 32V. Check the details for your particular model.
For the extruder heater, you may be able to get a custom 32V one, or use a 36V higher powered one on 32V. See e.g. http://leader-heater.com/42-.html. Otherwise, connect the heater between your +24V supply and the OUTn_NEG pin on the OUT connector. Same for the Berd Air and the contactors.
12V - 270W:
Mainly for fans and a water pump, maybe some led lighting. The other 200W is for peltier elements and does not need to be controlled by the Duet. Not clue how to get this connected the Duet.
Duet 3 provides a 12V output, but the current is limited to 0.8A. So OK for most types of fan used in 3D printers, but not for LED lighting or water pump. You can feed 12V from a higher current supply to the centre pin of one of the OUT voltage selection jumper blocks, with the jumper removed.
5V - 30W:
Used for the Duet itself and Jetson Nano I will be using as sbc.
The Duet generates its own 5V supply, alternatively you can provide external 5V power through the 3-pin connector provided.