@droftarts I can send the Pin Down and Up and I will test everything else tomorrow but I think if that works now it should be fine. I will give an update on the other stuff tomorrow when I´m back at the printer. Thanks!
@phaedrux It's at 12v....because the LEDs are 12v, but the rest of the system is 24v! Of course!
I'll try fixing this tomorrow but I seem to remember there was some reason I had it wired up this way.
EDIT: I remember, I blew some of the mosfets on the duet over the years so the duet fan headers don't work right, hence I used the deus. I really should fix this things properly someday
This happens even when i replace the motor and wire with a known good one
and also putting the existing extruder motor wire onto a different driver it too works well
so i can therefore only conclude that the stepper driver itself has failed.
It would seem so.
Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
I've made fan shrouds from color-changing PLA, just to see if there is any difference in fan-direction.
The color changes from orange to yellow above 33°C
I could see changes with different filament temps, but not related to fan direction.
@mgjosh A7X is the new one i had bought. 9CR is the one ive been using for a long time and suspected was going faulty. 9CR is the only one that works with my current config. That you for your reply.
AFAIK there are no pinouts for stepper signals on the duet3 6HC. The most elegant solution is indeed what @Phaedrux and @Dougal1957 have suggested. The Duet 3 Expansion 1XD board provides all the pins you need for connecting external stepper drives and has extra fuses for safety.
@pkos, I'm sorry your Duet appears to be faulty and I approve a warranty replacement. Please send an email to warranty@duet3d.com and CC your reseller. Include a link to this forum thread and the details of your original purchase. You'll receive a reply with a form to fill out.
It's a ferrite bead with impedance 1K @ 100MHz. But I can't see any way that it would burn out, short of a bare 24V wire or something like that touching it.
M950 S1 C”exp.heater3” Q500 ; assign GPIO port 1 to heater3 on expansion connector, servo mode M280 P1 S46 ; set (~1deg?) servo position on GPIO port 1 (Servo range 44.2 - 141.2?)
Looks like those are the wrong sort of double quote characters in your M950 command. The correct ones look like " not ”.
O yes! You are right! This is a bit embarassing...
sorry for that, and thanks!