G29 and G32 are different things.
G29 is use for mesh compensation. You used it to create the height map you posted.
If mesh compensation is active then during printing the Z position is tweaked as needed, according to the height map, to better follow the surface of the bed.
G32 is used to run the macro file bed.g. The contents of this file determine what it does.
It can do the following:
calibrate a delta style printer.
if you have manual leveling adjustments on your bed, it can probe the bed and tell you how to turn each adjustment to level your bed.
if you have multiple Z steppers supporting your bed in such a way that they can be used to level the bed, it can probe the bed and adjust the steppers to level the bed.
You really need 3 steppers to level a bed, 2 can only adjust the tilt in one axis, likely side-to-side.
BUT in either case you have to have steppers connected to their own drivers. The two Z connections on the Duet share a driver and cannot be used for leveling.
Now if you only had one extruder you could use the other extruder connection for one of the two Z motors.
You can still use mesh compensation during printing.
Assuming you have an existing height map you only need to do two things at the start of a print.
use a
G30 command to probe the bed at (or very near) the center of the bed, this sets the Z=0 datum.
use a
G29 S1 command to load the existing height map and thus activate mesh compensation.
Some folks create the height map at the start of every print. In that case you simply use G29 rather the G29 S1. Creating the height map also activates mesh compensation, at least for the duration of the print.
Hope that helps.