It was not a mistake in the configuration of thermistor.... It was simpler.... From what it seems, when mounting the thermistor in the heatblock the screw that held it in position, pressed the cable, affected the readings.... When I adjusted it, outside the Heatblock it gave some temperature values and when it was in the heatblock, it gave others
M586 command with active and stand by temperatures are set on my load.g file of each filament. For T0 Im using for my tests tis is its file:
[](Invalid file type. Allowed types are:
@phaedrux ok, thanks. This might be interesting to be redesign in a future. The duet has the ability to add many support extra boards, with a lot of sensors than can be used for many aplications, but I think having to stop the print to wait for a macro to finish might be a big issue to this extra boards.
@dc42 will be a non issue for me in the future, im working on replacing the entire ribbon cable due to its limitations.
will run individual wires, just have to seperate them properly so they wont be close to stepper motor or other higher current wires.
Other than possibly LDO changing the steppers between the two builds, any other thoughts on what could cause this?
That's the only thing I can thing of.
I've gotten a batch of Litton aircraft-grade steppers and has steppers FROM THE SAME BATCH wired differently.
I haven't thought about it deeply, but would a motor turn the other direction if they inserted the stator pack in the other-way-up in the casing? That's all I can think of.
M950 F5 C"out5" Q100 ; Creates Case Fan 1
M106 P5 T40 L0.4 X0.4 H3 ; Case Fan 1 Settings (Turns on at 40°C tool temp) at low speed
M950 F6 C"out6" Q100 ; Creates Case Fan 2
M106 P6 T40 L0.4 X0.4 H3 ; Case Fan 2 Settings (Turns on at 40°C tool temp) at low speed
and hooked them up to the MCU Temp
M308 S3 A"MCU" Y"mcu-temp"
Others connected the fans to the hotend if you start to print it starts to cool the board
@peirof it's difficult to recommendation settings without having a resistance vs temperature table for that thermistor.
If it's for a bed heater then you can use R100000 B3950 C0 and get reasonable temperature accuracy up to at least 100C.
If it's for a hot end heater then you really need to do better. Preferably, get a resistance-temperature table for that thermistor from the supplier of the thermistor.
@gloomyandy One thing I have always found confusing about the gcode explanations is the inconsistancy of definitions. For example, in M111, Pnn is the module number. What is a "module", how did it recieve a number, and what does that "number"refer to?
Send M111 and it will list all the module numbers.